Years back when I was waiting on God, in regards to marriage. In addition to using the kingdom keys of prayer, fasting, faith, word of God and seed offerings. I stumbled upon letter writing as a strategy, in the office of prayer.  It was a tool that could be used as a means to open myself to God, in an intimate manner concerning my needs and wants.

I had an yearly diary, bought every new year, and each evening before I went to sleep, I would write a letter to my future husband. A love letter in prayer form. Telling him I missed him, and how I was praying and waiting for him. I would also write how I wanted him to be in character and in deeds.

Each day, the letter was unique different as led by the Holy Spirit. We thank God for the creative power in us. I maximised the creative power and moulded the kind of husband that I wanted. Not forgetting the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Because many young people are moved and bamboozled by gifts of the Holy Spirit. Forgetting that while gifts are vital and essential for ministry purposes, it’s only the fruits of the Holy Spirit that will be greatly needed in marriage. And when the enemy knows that you are mesmerised by gifts, then they’ll use your weakness as a weapon door. Whereby you’ll get married to a very powerful and gifted person yet lacking in fruits. And that marriage will be doomed.

Because I was talking to my Father in heaven through my letters. I was not shy to talk about sexual matters, intimacy, love languages and finances. Because I wanted a man of my own kind. Assumptions can be erroneous and I didn’t want to fall into that trap. I wanted compatibility on all fronts; a friend, lover, leader, counsellor, supporter, priest, protector and provider.

I kept writing religiously as a habit for more than a year. Even when God started to give me vivid dreams of my husband even before we met. I would note down the dreams. I would fast for him. I would make seed offerings on his behalf as a revelation led by the Holy Spirit.

I stopped letter writing when the man in my dreams became a living reality in my life. Everything that I prayed for in my letters were fulfilled. A short courtship that led to marriage. And within a year of courtship, he paid my dowry and we got married one early Sunday morning!

It was when I began to peruse through my old diaries, that I found my love prayer letters to hubby. What a coincidence and confirmation that my husband turned out to be everything I ever wrote prayed in faith, way before he existed in my life!

I trusted that God gives good things to his children.  And I created him through what I wrote in faith!

Letter writing to God as a form of prayer is a powerful mystery that can manifest and catapult one into their desired blessings and deliverance. The bible in 2 Kings 19:14-37, shows King Hezekiah showcasing the letter of his enemy unto the LORD. We see God speaking and working against the enemies of Israel and thus King Hezekiah won the victory.

This also shows that our enemies can also write demonic letters against us. Written form is very powerful in the spiritual realm. Unless you cancel every evil handwriting against you, then you will remain a puppet in the hands of your enemy.

It’s on this same principle, in John 8:7, when they brought the adulterous woman before Jesus for judgment. Jesus wrote on the sand. What many people don’t know is that, Jesus was changing the history of accusation, judgement and adultery of that woman. This is also called the mystery of the soil. You can use it in a place of prayer, to change your destiny. Will write about it soon. So once Jesus changed the evil handwriting against the history of the accused adulterous woman, the crowd was unable to judge nor hurt her.

Colossians 2:14 speaks of Jesus giving wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. So apply this word of knowledge using wisdom and understanding in prayer to cancel by the blood of Jesus every evil handwriting against you. This also includes negative prayers and demonic prophecies against your destiny.

You can make it a religious habit to write letters to God, on matters that seem stuck, and there’s no restrictions on the kind of prayer you can write. Talk to God, he is your Father. In him nothing is impossible. What he cannot do, does not exist.

Shalom. Blessed Easter.


We are sent on earth for a season and a reason.  To serve and to learn. Serving others through our purpose and assignment brings light. Propelling us much higher into the ladder of life. God being a good Father or parent, will put lessons in each season of our lives. Because sadly man can only learn in pain. And without learning through our challenges breeds pride. We can never be promoted into the next class, season or next level of life unless we learn what we are supposed to learn. So if you find yourself stagnating in one situation for many years. It’s evident that you could be ignoring your lessons, hence the delay. Will one day speak about this in great detail.

The reason to why I wrote that intro, is due to the fallacy we as believers have been fed from our religious leaders thinking its the truth. Light brings deliverance and progress. But some of what we received wasn’t light. And instead of becoming powerful believers. Many are toothless in regards to wisdom and the grace to use light to accelerate.

Many times I used to wonder why majority of believers were poor, yet powerful firebrands. Spitting in powerful tongues and other gifts. Yet struggling in all aspects. While the children of Ismael whom we say bow down to a false god, are prospering everywhere they go to.

We received the promises. We claim the blessings as the children of Abraham. Yet nothing to show for it. Literal kids of Abraham manifested in that grace. We see Isaac, Jacob, Joseph prospering. So where did the rain start beating us? Especially Africans.

Then God began to take me through the school of the spirit. I had to unlearn so much. But first things first. I had to break the stronghold of the mind and religion. Because the greatest manipulation happens in your mind. Your thoughts are your prayers. Always remember that. So you are what you think. So if the enemy wanted to weaken you, they’ll use your own mind against you. So that your own mind starts to kill you, through your thoughts, ideas and what you believe in.

Before we proceed further, touch your head with your hands, plead the blood of Jesus over your mind. Break every stronghold of the mind, culture, religion and other stuff. Ask the blood of Jesus to saturate your mind, so that you can think with the mind of Christ. Now this is where wisdom comes in. Because without it, you become an overzealous Pharisee thinking you are knowledgeable, yet in reality fighting the light of Christ, which delivers.

Note that I’ll use my basis on Africans, because am one. But it’s applicable to all races that had to lose their identity due to slavery,  colonisation and religion. Remember that when I use religion, because there’s a difference between religion and being spiritual.  I love spirituality because it helps people have personal experiences and encounters with God. Religion doesn’t give such access.

Many Africans have been taught to demonise their ancestral names. Reason being that our forefathers and foremothers were witches and gods worshippers. Really? All of them? And you believed it? Why would you believe that Africa was a dark continent without God? That it was colonists that brought the light. Maybe they did. But while they asked you to hold the bible, they took hold of our lands and resources. So how is that light?

What’s my point? Ever since the dispensation of men. God has always had remnants. You have to understand the nature of God. To be sure of his power and sovereignty. There were Africans that worshipped God. Just that their mode was different to what we do now. But that doesn’t mean all of them were demonic.

I don’t deny the fact that there are family bloodlines that come from great wicked darkness. But that doesn’t mean that the whole lineage were warlock witches.

We have to be realistic while demystifying this matter. Sentiments aside. We have read the bible.  We’ve studied the lineage from Adam to Jesus. It wasn’t a perfect one. There was definitely a mix of dark and light. And even in darkness, God brought light. Like the birth of Solomon from an adulterous affair.

Israelites are very keen on following the generational lineages. Even the modern ones. It’s very important to them. They identify themselves with their ancestors. For example the most common phrase used in bible is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It’s an identity that African Christians took and abandoned our own. Hmmm…. It’s a very weird scenario.

So an average believer spends his/her whole Christian life. Casting and binding their ancestral names yet claiming the blessings of Abraham! Our blessings come from our bloodline, so do curses.  You can’t receive blessings from what you’ve  been demonising. You loath your grandfather’s name, daily breaking the spirit of poverty. Yet when you research keenly, you’ll find out that your grandfather had true wealth.  Lands, cattle, servants and all. Yet you cannot boast of even one chicken.

The right way to pray over this matter, is to disconnect the bad traits and claim the generational blessings. We are so obsessed with breaking generational curses until we forgot to claim our generational blessings. And that’s why there’s lots of suffering among believers.

A tree can never ever separate itself from it’s roots. If it tries to do so, the whole tree will definitely die. And that’s how many Africans are living on lost identities. Because we are killing our roots unknowingly through how we were taught to pray. That’s why there’s little fruit to testify of.

Names are altars. They determine the destiny of a person. Names can bless or alter negatively a destiny. That’s why when God wanted to use someone in the bible, he changed their names. Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to Israel. Even Jacob had to change the name of his  last born from a child of sorrow to Benjamin. Do you know your spiritual name? Jesus had his. Emmanuel.

Because due to the confusion, the enemy has had a field day altering the destinies of people. The Chinese give their children Chinese names. The Arabs give their children Arabic names. The whites do the same. Not even modernisation changed that. Why did Africans discard our beautiful African native names to what we are currently using?

Many believers dropped their ancestral names and began to adopt English names. Though, those in the slavery era had to use English names under the most painful torture. We even stopped naming after the ancestors. Our excuse was that we didn’t want to inherit demons and generational curses. But we forgot that both the good and the bad follows the blood, even under a new name unless you renounce.

If Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are not witches. Why are African ancestors the only witches and demons???? I pray I am opening someone’s mind. Africa wake up. Religion lied to you. A tree separated from its roots usually dies. You dream of your dead loved ones and you immediately rebuke and burn them to hell fire. And you forget that Jesus himself had an encounter with Elijah and Moses during the transfiguration

Note that I am not encouraging nor promoting the worship of the dead nor familiar spirits. But there’s so much rich and ancient knowledge of ancestors that is hidden so that you continue to wallow in wretchedness. When you receive a message from the dead, check the message first. Before you cast and bind a revelation meant to deliver you. Accept the good and reject the bad with wisdom. I wish I could share stories of people who had encounters with their ancestors that blessed them greatly. But we are not ready yet. Religion won’t let Africa shine.

There’s definitely a connection between the dead and the living. Because a human being has 3 parts in himself or herself. The body, soul and spirit. During death, it’s the body that dies, the spirit never dies. The spirit goes to light for reassignment. So how does this process make all dead demons? Especially the dead who died in Christ? It doesn’t make sense at all.

Due to many falsehoods in religion, has made many Africans to be isolated from the blessings of their roots. And have thus entered into fire from the frying pan. We started to adopt names we had no idea what they meant. In our naivety we thought all English names were Christian names. What a fallacy. So not many believers sanitise and pray for their English names. Most simply concentrate on their ancestral names. But question is, do you know what your English name means?

Do you know that some of the most common English names currently in use, are names of ancient gods and demonic spirits? Imagine having the name of a god, yet a praying in tongues Christian.  Won’t the gods fight you? I’ll tell you for free that some life problems you are facing, and have prayed for ages without an answer, could be related to your English name.

This article’s work is to bring light to the children of God, so that they pray with understanding. Because with understanding brings deliverance. Its not meant to promote fear mongering and panic attacks. Nope.

I really don’t know how the alphabetical letters and numerical numbers came to being. But what you should know by now is that each letter means something . And the first letter in your English name can determine your quality of life, how you relate with others. And your date and year of birth can also affect how you are set to prosper or decline on earth.

The problem with sharing this kind of knowledge, is that believers will immediately shut it down by asking you to show them a bible verse. But be realistic. Do a research around you. And you’ll discover these things. Reason why believers should be open minded to learn how and why other religions are prospering on earth while believers aren’t. This isn’t a call to go learn how to worship demons. Nope. But the bible says that the people of God are perishing for lack of knowledge. This kind of knowledge is out there. Make friends with people from other religions for learning purposes. It’s not a sin to socialise for learning purposes. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you what you do not know. You’ll be amazed at the depth of knowledge that is outside the bible. The bible is just a standard. There’s more. The dimension of God is vast. We only know him in accordance to what he allows us learn.

Go research on the meaning of your name. Talk to your parents. Talk to these old people, they have ancient knowledge. Some people’s problem lies in the house number they are in. Hmmm…Because numbers have meanings. Even your date and year of birth. There’s a reason you came in such a date and year. Find out. It gives clarity to your assignment and purpose. May the Holy Spirit guide you as you research and be careful not to run in error.

I’ll teach about two names that believers love to use. One is Caleb. A beautiful name that reminds us of the faithful and loyal plus brave Caleb who trusted in God. But he was delayed of his inheritance and had to wait for 40 years to get his inheritance. Calebs need to break the spirit of delay.

About Esther’s, they are usually beautiful and industrious ladies. But some of them face warfare in regards to getting married in a godly manner. Because the biblical Esther got married as a second wife and obviously faced warfare from the discarded Vashti.

Once you know the true meaning of your name. Both the positive and negative aspects of the name. That’s light coming from darkness. Gives advanced knowledge on how to pray with understanding.  Breaking the bad and claiming the good. Because many Christians are in serious bondage by the stronghold of their first names. Delaying them from prospering into what God has called them to be.